Wiley-VCH, Berlin Photons and Atoms Cover This book provides the necessary background to help readers understand photon-atom interactions, sta.. Product #: 978-0-471-18433-1 Regular price: $104.67 $104.67 Auf Lager

Photons and Atoms

Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics

Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude / Dupont-Roc, Jacques / Grynberg, Gilbert


1. Auflage März 1997
XVIII, 468 Seiten, Softcover

ISBN: 978-0-471-18433-1
Wiley-VCH, Berlin


This book provides the necessary background to help readers understand photon-atom interactions, starting with elementary quantum theory and classical electrodynamics and progressing to more advanced approaches. It makes a critical comparison between these different, although equivalent, formulations of quantum electrodynamics.

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Ein Buch für fortgeschrittene Anfänger auf dem Gebiet der quantentheoretischen Elektrodynamik. Zunächst wird die elementare Quantentheorie und klassische Elektrodynamik behandelt,dann die Theorie niederenergetischer Wechselwirkungen zwischen Materie und Strahlung und abschließend der mathematische Aspekt dieses Themas. Der Autor vermittelt notwendiges Grundwissen über die Dynamik des elektromagnetischen Feldes und liefert verschiedene theoretische Ansätze. Damit schließt dieses Buch nun eine Lücke, denn die Literatur für Laseroptik und Feldtheorie hatte das Thema bisher nur gestreift. (10/97)

Classical Electrodynamics: The Fundamental Equations and the Dynamical Variables; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Approach to Electrodynamics; The Standard Lagrangian and the Coulomb Gauge; Quantum Electrodynamics in the Coulomb Gauge; Other Equivalent Formulations of Electrodynamics; Introduction to the Covariant Formulation of Quantum Electrodynamics.
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji is Professor of Physics at the Collège de France. He is the co-author of Quantum Mechanics, published by Wiley. Dr. Cohen-Tannoudji is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, and is a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States. He earned his Doctorat en Sciences Physiques in atomic physics at the University of Paris.

Jacques Dupont-Roc holds a full-time research position at CNRS within the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. Dr. Dupont-Roc earned his PhD in atomic physics at the University of Paris.

Gilbert Grynberg is Professor of Physics at Ecole Polytechnique and maintains a full time research position at CNRS. Dr. Grynberg earned his PhD in atomic physics at the University of Paris.