Spectroscopy of Low Temperature Plasma

1. Auflage Januar 2009
XXI, 609 Seiten, Hardcover
227 Abbildungen
80 Tabellen
Written by a distinguished scientist and experienced author, this up-to-date work comprehensively covers both current methods as well as new techniques and applications.
With numerous appendices containing indispensable reference data for plasma spectroscopy.
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Written by a distinguished plasma scientist and experienced author, this up-to-date work comprehensively covers current methods and new developments and techniques, including non-equilibrium atomic and molecular plasma states, as well as such new applications as gas lasers.
Containing numerous appendices with reference data indispensable for plasma spectroscopy, such as statistical weights and partition sums and diatomic molecules.
For plasmaphysicists, spectroscopists, materials scientists and physical chemists.
Appendix H is only available online.
- Basic Concepts and Parameters Associated with the Emission, Absorption and Scattering of Light by Plasma
- Emission, Absorption and Scattering Techniques for Determining the Densities of Particles in Discrete Energy States
- Intensities in Spectra and Plasma Energy Distribution in the Internal and Translational Degrees of Freedom of Atoms and Molecules
- Measuring Concentrations of Atoms and Molecules
- Spectral Methods of Determining Electronic and Magnetic Fields in Plasma
- Determination of the Parameters of the Electronic Component of Plasma
- Some Information on Spectroscopy Techniques
Appendix A
Statistical Weights and Statistical Sums
Appendix B
Conversion of Quantities Used to Describe Optical
Transition Probabilities in Line Spectra
Appendix C
Two-Photon Absorption Cross Sections for Some Atoms and Molecules in the Ground State
Appendix D
Information on Some Diatomic Molecules for the Identification and Processing of Low-Temperature Plasma Spectra
Appendix E
Rotational Line Intensity Factors in the Electronic-Vibrational Transition Spectra of Diatomic Molecules
Appendix G
General Information for Plasma Spectroscopy Problems
Appendix H
Optical Constants of Materials
(online available: www.wiley-vch.de)