Plant Biomass Derived Materials
Sources, Extractions, and Applications

1. Auflage März 2024
624 Seiten, Hardcover
8 Abbildungen (8 Farbabbildungen)
A comprehensive and essential overview of materials derived from biomass, including extraction techniques, important building blocks and a wide range of applications ranging from energy to food.
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2. Chemistry of biomass
3. Lignin from biomass: sources, extraction, and applications
4. Starch from biomass: sources, extraction, and applications
5. Recent trends of cashew nutshell liquid: extraction, chemistry, and applications
6. Plant biomass mucilage: extraction, properties, and applications
7. Plant based colorants: isolation and applications
8. Revival of sustainable fungal based natural pigments
9. Modern approach towards Algal based natural pigments for textiles
10. Biorefinery from plant biomass: a case study in sugarcane straw
11. Forest and agricultural biomass
12. Manufacture of monomers and precursors from plant biomass
13. Chemical routes for the transformation of bio-monomers into polymers
14. Manufacture of polymer composites from plant fibers
15. Lignin based composites and nanocomposites
16. Bio plastics from biomass
17. Plant-based materials for energy applications
18. Plant biomass for water purification applications
19. Sustainable biocomposite based Biomass for aerospace applications
20. Biomass-based food packaging
21. Recycling plant biomass and life cycle assessment in circular economy system
22. The handling, storage, and preservation of plant biomass
Seiko Jose is a scientist, working at Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Rajasthan, India. He is specialized in Textile Chemistry and having more than 15 years of experience in textiles. He is having seven years of experience in the cotton, silk, and linen processing industry. In the past eight years of his research, he has handled many cellulosic and lignocellulosic natural fibres like, jute, pineapple leaf fibre, coir, ramie, etc. He has made an extensive study on plant-based biomass like agro residues, agro based fibres,, lignin, natural dyes, etc. He contributed to 37 research papers and 11 book chapters. His major research areas are extraction and characterization of natural fibre, utilization of agro residues, textile dyeing and finishing, eco-friendly textile processing, and natural dyes. His Google citations are more than 480. Currently is holding the position of Editorial Board Member of Journal of Natural Fibers, Taylor and Francis.
Prof. Dr. Sabu Thomas
Dr. Sabu Thomas (Ph.D.) is a Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering at the School of Chemical Sciences, as well as the Director of Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Mahatma Gandhi University, India. He received his Ph.D. in 1987 in Polymer Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, London, and a member of the American Chemical Society. He has been ranked no.5 in India with regard to the number of publications (most productive scientists).Prof. Thomas?s research group is specialized areas of polymers which includes Polymer blends, Fibre filled polymer composites, Particulate-filled polymer composites and their morphological characterization, Ageing and degradation, Pervaporation phenomena, sorption and diffusion, Interpenetrating polymer systems, Recyclability and reuse of waste plastics and rubbers, Elastomer cross-linking, Dual porous nanocomposite scaffolds for tissue engineering etc. Prof. Thomas?s research group has extensive exchange programs with different industries, research and academic institutions all over the world and is performing world class collaborative research in various fields. Professors Centre is equipped with various sophisticated instruments and has established the state of the art experimental facilities which cater to the needs of researchers within the country and abroad. His H Index- 113, Google Citations- 65000, Number of Publications- 650, and Books-150.
Sneha Sabu Mathew
Sneha Sabu Mathew is a research scholar at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India. She received her Bachelor?s degree and Master?s degree in Chemistry from Mahatma Gandhi University. Her current research activities include the development of novel biobased biodegradable polymer composites for edible coating and packaging applications. Currently, she is engaged in the projects of extraction of nano cellulose from pineapple fibers and its characterization, preparation of nano cellulose-based edible coating using natural extracts, preparation of TiO2 nanoparticle and doping for enhanced properties, electrospun TiO2 nanocomposites for dye degradation, synthesis, and characterization of prepared nanofibers and effect of fillers in wool-polymer composites.
Dr.Philip Blazdell
Dr Philip Blazdell is the Chief Technology Officer for Nova Milan and an independent materials consultant. He was awarded his BSc in Materials Science and Technology from Brunel University, UK and completed a PhD in Materials Processing also at Brunel. Following a period as a Royal Society Visiting Fellow at the National Research Institute for Metal (NRIM) in Japan he was appointed as a visiting professor in mechanical engineering at the Federal University of Ceara in Brazil. He has published in areas as diverse as solid, free-form fabrication, natural materials, and the properties of cashew nut-shell liquid.