Principles in Microbiome Engineering
Advanced Biotechnology
1. Auflage Juni 2022
336 Seiten, Hardcover
150 Abbildungen (50 Farbabbildungen)
This book not only introduces the reader to the necessary tools to understand microbiome but also discusses many relevant areas of current research and applications of microbiome engineering, ranging from human diseases to husbandry, food and beverage applications.
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Chapter 1: Systems biology and microbiome
Chapter 2: Synthetic biology and microbiome
Chapter 3: Computational modelling of microbiome and host-microbiome interactions
Chapter 4: Machine learning of the microbiome big data
Section II: Microbiome engineering
Chapter 5: Human microbiome engineering against pathogen infections
Chapter 6: Human microbiome engineering against cancer
Chapter 7: Human microbiome engineering against diabetes
Chapter 8: Human microbiome engineering against obesity
Chapter 9: Human microbiome engineering against mental disorders
Chapter 10: Human microbiome engineering against autoimmune and inflammatory disorders
Chapter 11: Husbandry microbiome engineering
Chapter 12: Plant-soil microbiome engineering
Chapter 13: Food microbiome engineering
Chapter 14: Beverage microbiome engineering
Section III: Perspectives on microbiome engineering
Chapter 15: Future perspectives on Microbiome and its applications