John Wiley & Sons Personal Boundaries For Dummies Cover Learn how to create healthy personal and relationship boundaries Boundaries are limits we establish.. Product #: 978-1-394-23618-3 Regular price: $21.40 $21.40 Auf Lager

Personal Boundaries For Dummies

Priya, Victoria


1. Auflage Mai 2024
400 Seiten, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-394-23618-3
John Wiley & Sons

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Learn how to create healthy personal and relationship boundaries

Boundaries are limits we establish for ourselves and implement through action or communication. Personal Boundaries For Dummies gives you all the basics on what boundaries look like (spoiler: they aren't "one-size-fits-all"), along with step-by-step instructions for figuring out what your boundaries are and communicating them with others. When you start to level-up your boundaries, you might experience pushback from the people in your life, but don't worry--this book also helps you navigate these challenges. Create clarity, mutual respect, and harmony in all your relationships--especially your relationship with yourself--with this clear and helpful Dummies guide.
* Explore the different types of boundaries and how they work in relationships
* Identify your own limits and non-negotiables so you can set boundaries with others
* Get advice on what to do when people don't respect your boundaries
* Learn when to seek professional help

Setting boundaries is a form of self-care, and each of us must create boundaries for our own safety, health, and well-being. Get started with Personal Boundaries For Dummies!

Introduction 1

Part 1: Defining Personal Boundaries 5

Chapter 1: Creating Order, Safety, and Protection with Boundaries 7

Chapter 2: Knowing What Boundaries Aren't 29

Chapter 3: Exploring Privacy, Secrecy, and Intimacy 43

Part 2: Understanding the Need for Boundaries 63

Chapter 4: Appreciating the Ways That Boundaries Improve Your Life 65

Chapter 5: Setting Boundaries: It's a Learned Skill 79

Chapter 6: Managing Resistance and Pushback: Good Boundaries Won't Make You Popular 97

Chapter 7: Knowing When You Need to Create a Boundary 117

Part 3: Exploring the Types of Boundaries and How They Work 141

Chapter 8: Physical Boundaries: Who Can Get Close to You and Your Physical Possessions 143

Chapter 9: Sexual Boundaries: Yes and No Are Complete Sentences 155

Chapter 10: Boundaries for Speaking: Filtering Your Thoughts before Sharing Them 177

Chapter 11: Boundaries for Listening: The Mother of All Boundaries 197

Chapter 12: Nonnegotiable Boundaries 215

Part 4: Creating Personal Boundaries 223

Chapter 13: Step 1: Know What Isn't Working 225

Chapter 14: Step 2: Get Clear about Your Reality 237

Chapter 15: Step 3: Clarify Your Needs and the Outcome You Want 251

Chapter 16: Step 4: See Where You Have Power Before Taking Action 267

Chapter 17: Step 5: Take Action to Create a Boundary 285

Chapter 18: Step 6: Evaluate Your Results and See What Went Wrong 301

Part 5: Figuring Out What to Do When Boundaries Don't Work 315

Chapter 19: Renegotiating a Broken Agreement 317

Chapter 20: Taking a Boundary to the Next Level: Advanced Skills for Difficult Situations 331

Part 6: The Part of Tens 347

Chapter 21: Ten Out-of-the-Box Options for Extra Protection 349

Chapter 22: Ten Myths about Boundaries 355

Chapter 23: Ten Signs That You Need Professional Help 363

Index 371
Victoria Priya, LCSW, SEP (formerly Vicki Tidwell Palmer), is the host of The Boundaries Queen podcast, the founder of the Radiant Threefold Path, author of Moving Beyond Betrayal, and an award-winning blogger. She is a master coach who works with clients from all walks of life--from entrepreneurs to home-schooling moms. Her clients call her the "Boundaries Queen."