A Statistical Approach to Genetic Epidemiology
Concepts and Applications, with an e-learning platform

2. Auflage März 2010
XXIV, 498 Seiten, Softcover
250 Abbildungen (50 Farbabbildungen)
The second edition of this very successful advanced textbook is thoroughly updated and significantly expanded. The title has again many problems and solutions and it comes now colour figures and optionally with a custom-developed e-learning course.
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Diese zweite Auflage des sehr erfolgreichen Lehrbuchs der Statistik in der genetischen Epidemiologie wurde sorgfältig durchgesehen, aktualisiert und an vielen Stellen erweitert. Wie gewohnt mit vielen Aufgaben und Lösungen, dazu jetzt auch Farbabbildungen und auf Wunsch gekoppelt mit einem maßgeschneiderten E-Learning-Kurs.
Molecular Genetics
Formal Genetics
Genetic Markers
Data Quality
Genetic Map Distances
Model Based Linkage Analysis
Model Free Linkage Analysis for Binary Traits
Model Free Linkage Analysis for Quantitative Traits
Family Studies not Involving Genetic Markers
Fundamental Concepts of Association Analyses
Association Analysis with Unrelated Individuals
Family Based Association Analysis
Inke R. König studied psychology at the universities of Marburg (Germany) as a scholar of the German National Academic Foundation and Dundee (Scotland) with a grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). She has done research work at the Institute of Medical Biometry and Epidemiology in Marburg and since 2001 at the Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics in Lübeck. In 2004, she became vice director of the latter and also received the Fritz-Linder-Forum-Award from the German Association for Surgery. Besides holding the certificate "Biometrics in Medicine", she has collected teaching experience since 1998 as a lecturer for biomathematics, behavioural genetics, clinical epidemiology, genetic epidemiology, and evidence-based medicine.
Friedrich Pahlke is Dipl. Inf. at the Institute for Medical Biometry and Statistics at the University Clinic Schleswig-Holstein in Lübeck. He has created the e-learning course which is optionally available with the book.