Wiley-VCH, Berlin Nanoelectronics and Information Technology Cover A full-colour introduction to advanced electronic materials and and device concepts for the major ar.. Product #: 978-3-527-40927-3 Regular price: $93.36 $93.36 In Stock

Nanoelectronics and Information Technology

Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices

Waser, Rainer (Editor)


3. Edition April 2012
1040 Pages, Hardcover
1000 Pictures (1000 Colored Figures)

ISBN: 978-3-527-40927-3
Wiley-VCH, Berlin

Short Description

A full-colour introduction to advanced electronic materials and and device concepts for the major areas of information technology, outstanding in coverage and quality. This 3rd edition is substantially updated.

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This outstanding textbook provides an introduction to electronic materials and device concepts for the major areas of current and future information technology. On about 1,000 pages, it collects the fundamental concepts and key technologies related to advanced electronic materials and devices. The obvious strength of the book is its encyclopedic character, providing adequate background material instead of just reviewing current trends. It focuses on the underlying principles which are illustrated by contemporary examples.

The third edition now holds 47 chapters grouped into eight sections. The first two sections are devoted to principles, materials processing and characterization methods. Following sections hold contributions to relevant materials and various devices, computational concepts, storage systems, data transmission, imaging systems and displays. Each subject area is opened by a tutorial introduction, written by the editor and giving a rich list of references. The following chapters provide a concise yet in-depth description in a given topic.

Primarily aimed at graduate students of physics, electrical engineering and information technology as well as material science, this book is equally of interest to professionals looking for a broader overview. Experts might appreciate the book for having quick access to principles as well as a source for getting insight into related fields.

General Introduction

1 Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Optical Properties
2 Electronic Properties and Quantum Effects
3 Mesoscopic Electron Transport
4 Spintransfer Phenomena in Layered Structures
5 Organic Molecules - Structures and Electronic Properties
6 Neurons - The Molecular Basis of Their Electrical Excitability
7 Logic Gates and Digital Circuits

8 Advanced Optical and Particle Beam Lithography
9 Nanoimprint Lithography
10 Structural and Chemical Characterization on the Nanoscale
11 Scanning Probe Analysis
12 Atomic and Molecular Manipulation
13 Bottom-Up Approaches by Self-Organization Techniques

14 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors: Novel Materials and Alternative Concepts
15 Nanoelectromechanical Logic Gates
16 Single-Electron Devices for Logic Applications
17 Electron Waveguide Devices
18 Superconductor Digital Electronics
19 Spin-Based Logics - Principles and Concepts
20 Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene for Data Processing
21 Molecular Electronics - Functions and Features Arising from Tailor-Made Molecules

22 Performance Estimates for Microprocessors: at Technology Limits and in Practice
23 Reconfigurable Nano-Crossbar Architectures
24 Cognitive Computing
25 Quantum Computing - Fundamentals and Solid-State Realizations

26 Flash Memories
27 Capacitor-based Random Access Memories
28 Magnetic Random Access Memories
29 Information Storage Based on Phase Change Materials
30 Redox-Based Resistive Random Access Memories
31 Scanning Probe Storage
32 Holographic Data Storage

33 Metal Interconnects
34 Three-Dimensional Integration
35 Photonic Networks
36 RF and Microwave Communication - Systems, Circuits and Devices
37 From RFID Tags to Nanomorphic Systems
38 Neuroelectronic Interfacing with Semiconductor Chips

39 Optical 3-D Time-of-Flight Imaging System
40 Micromachined Thermal Detector Arrays for Infrared Imaging
41 Electronic Noses and Tongues
42 2-D Tactile Sensors and Tactile Sensor Arrays

43 Liquid Crystal Displays
44 Organic Light Emitting Devices
45 Plasma Displays
46 Micromirror Displays
47 Electronic Paper
"... eine hervorragende Sammlung von Informationen über ein spannendes neues Gebiet. Seine außerordentliche fachliche Qualität und der bemerkenswerte Themenumfang, ergänzt durch zahlreiche Literaturverweise, garantieren diesem Band ein langes, erfolgreiches Leben als Grundlehrbuch für Studenten der Nanoelektronik." Prof. Richard Siegel, US Nano-Initiative, zur zweiten Auflage
The Editor:
Rainer Waser is Professor at the faculty for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the RWTH Aachen University and director at the Institute of Solid State Research (IFF) at the HGF Research Center Jülich, Germany. In 1984, he received his PhD in physical chemistry at the University of Darmstadt, and worked at the Philips Research Laboratory, Aachen, until he was appointed professor in 1992. His research group is focused on fundamental aspects of electronic materials and on such integrated devices as non-volatile memories, specifically ferroelectric memories, logic devices, sensors and actuators. Throughout, he has been collaborating with major semiconductor industries in Europe, the US, and the Far East. He has organized international conferences, published about 200 technical papers and holds ten patents. In 2000, Dr. Waser has been honored with the IEEE Ferroelectrics Recognition Award, and since 2002 he has been the coordinator of the research program Nanoelectronic Systems within the German National Research Centers (Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft).

R. Waser, RWTH Aachen and IFF Jülich