Process Systems Engineering
Volume 5: Energy Systems Engineering
Process Systems Engineering (Series Nr. 5)

1. Edition August 2008
XVIII, 330 Pages, Hardcover
150 Pictures (13 Colored Figures)
52 tables
Handbook/Reference Book
Short Description
This volume examines all aspects of Energy Systems Engineering, highlighting theoretical developments, algorithms, methodologies and tools in process systems engineering and industrial applications.
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Inspired by the leading authority in the field, the Centre for Process Systems Engineering at Imperial College London, this book includes theoretical developments, algorithms, methodologies and tools in process systems engineering and applications from the chemical, energy, molecular, biomedical and other areas. It spans a whole range of length scales seen in manufacturing industries, from molecular and nanoscale phenomena to enterprise-wide optimization and control. As such, this will appeal to a broad readership, since the topic applies not only to all technical processes but also due to the interdisciplinary expertise required to solve the challenge.
The ultimate reference work for years to come.
Integrated oil & gas optimisation
Technologies for Hydrogen production and storage
Wind farm modelling, control and optimization
Thermo-economic design of energy conversion systems using multi- objective optimisation
Thermo-economic design of urban energy systems
Optimization of structure and operating parameters of a sequence of distillation columns for thermal separation of hydrocarbon mixtures
Energy Efficiency and Carbon Footprint Reduction
Energy Systems Solutions in the Pulp and Paper Industry
CO2 capture from natural gas
Hydrogen infrastructure design and optimisation
Chance-constrained optimization of investment planning problems in the electric power industry
Michael C. Georgiadis is Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Informatics and Telecommunications at University of Western Macedonia, Greece and honorary research fellow in the Centre for Process Systems Engineering at Imperial College London. He was manager of academic business development for Process Systems Enterprise Ltd. He obtained his Chemical Engineering Diploma from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and an MSc and PhD From Imperial College London. Dr. Georgiadis has authored over 55 papers and two books. He has a long experience in the management and participation of more than 20 collaborative research contracts and projects and consults to Process Systems Enterprise Ltd and Parametric Optimization Solutions Ltd.
Eustathios S. Kikkinides is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering and Management of Energy Resources at the University of Western Macedonia, Greece, and a Collaborative Faculty Member in the Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute (CPERI) of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH). He is the deputy director of the Environmental Technology Laboratory at his academic department, with research emphasis on novel separation and purification processes and hydrogen technologies for energy applications. He obtained his diploma in Chemical Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece and his Ph.D. from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, USA. He has authored over 100 publications and several book chapters and has been involved in over 20 national and international research projects and contracts.
Process Systems Enterprise (PSE), provider of the gPROMS advanced process simulation and modelling environment, is the 2007 winner of the Royal Academy of Engineering's MacRobert Award. The award, the UK's most prestigious for engineering, recognises the successful development of innovative ideas. The PSE team was presented with the MacRobert gold medal by HRH Prince Philip.