Process Systems Engineering
Volume 4: Supply Chain Optimization
Process Systems Engineering (Series Nr. 4)
1. Edition October 2007
XIX, 349 Pages, Hardcover
124 Pictures
98 tables
Handbook/Reference Book
Short Description
This fourth volume highlights the importance of fundamental research in the management and optimization of complex supply chains for the process industries, while developing mechanisms for the transfer of these new technologies to industrial settings.
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Inspired by the leading authority in the field, the Centre for Process Systems Engineering at Imperial College London, this book includes theoretical developments, algorithms, methodologies and tools in process systems engineering and applications from the chemical, energy, molecular, biomedical and other areas. It spans a whole range of length scales seen in manufacturing industries, from molecular and nanoscale phenomena to enterprise-wide optimization and control. As such, this will appeal to a broad readership, since the topic applies not only to all technical processes but also due to the interdisciplinary expertise required to solve the challenge.
The ultimate reference work for years to come.
Solving Multiple Vehicle Pickup and Delivery Problems in Multisite Systems by a rigorous optimization approach
A Real Time Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach: A High Dimensional Supply Chain Application
Robust Supply Chain Operations through Rescheduling
Short-Term Scheduling of Batch and Continuous Processes
Modeling and Optimization of Refinery Operations Considering Uncertainty
Production and Inventory Planning for Stock Preparation in the Tissue paper Industry
Production Planning in Process Systems Engineering
Lazaros G. Papageorgiou is a Reader in Chemical Engineering in the Department of Chemical Engineering at University College London. He graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece and a gained a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College London. Previously Dr. Papageorgiou was employed as an adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Production Engineering and Management at the Technical University of Crete, Greece, and as a Research Associate at the Centre for Process Systems Engineering, a joint centre between Imperial College London and University College London. He has authored/ co-authored over 80 refereed research publications.
Process Systems Enterprise (PSE), provider of the gPROMS advanced process simulation and modelling environment, is the 2007 winner of the Royal Academy of Engineering's MacRobert Award. The award, the UK's most prestigious for engineering, recognises the successful development of innovative ideas. The PSE team was presented with the MacRobert gold medal by HRH Prince Philip.