Differential Antennas
Theory and Practice
1. Edition September 2024
352 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
A comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of differential antennas
The first antennas ever created were differential antennas, in the dipole and loop constructions, before the subsequent creation of the single-ended or monopole antenna. Dozens of basic antenna configurations have been invented since then, the majority of them differential. The theory and design of differential antennas therefore has an impact on a huge range of fields which make use of electromagnetic waves.
Differential Antennas contains a thorough, comprehensive overview of these antennas, their theory, and their practical applications. It details the relationship between differential and single-ended antennas, which may act as tools for determining the properties of one when the other is known. This book offers an analysis of the role differential antennas play in wireless communication and sensing. Overall, it stands as an essential contribution to a key area of communications technology.
Differential Antennas readers will also find:
* Chapters covering topics including microstrip antennas, shorted patch antennas, grid array antennas, and other designs
* Tables and figures illustrating key data, antenna structures, and more
* Instructions for measuring differential antennas for characterization and specification purposes
Differential Antennas is ideal for senior and graduate level students, researchers, and radio frequency engineers.
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Balanced and Unbalanced Antennas 1
1.3 Even and Odd Modes 3
1.4 Differential and Single-Ended Circuits 4
1.5 An Important Ratio 5
1.6 Mixed-Mode S-Parameters 6
1.7 Balun 8
1.8 Concluding Remarks 11
2 Differential Wire Antennas 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Dipole and Monopole Antennas 13
2.3 Folded Dipole and Monopole Antennas 17
2.4 Loop and Half-Loop Antennas 20
2.5 Loop-Dipole and Half-Loop-Monopole Antennas 27
2.6 Yagi-Uda and Half-Yagi-Uda Antennas 33
2.7 Concluding Remarks 36
3 Differential Slot Antennas 39
3.1 Introduction 39
3.2 Slot and Half-Slot Antennas 40
3.3 Self-Complementary Antennas 44
3.4 Yin-Yang Antennas 45
3.5 Concluding Remarks 58
4 Differential Microstrip Patch Antennas 61
4.1 Introduction 61
4.2 Cavity Model 63
4.3 Rectangular Patch 72
4.4 Circular Patch 93
4.5 Stacked Patch 116
4.6 Patch Arrays 128
4.7 Applications 149
4.8 Concluding Remarks 151
5 Differential Microstrip Shorted Patch Antennas 161
5.1 Introduction 161
5.2 SPA and DSPA 162
5.3 Modified SPA and DSPA 178
5.4 PIFA and DPIFA 186
5.5 ME and DME Dipoles 197
5.6 Concluding Remarks 211
6 Differential Microstrip Slot Antennas 215
6.1 Introduction 215
6.2 Resonant Modes 215
6.3 Excitation of Resonant Modes 217
6.4 Half-Wavelength Microstrip Slot Antenna 222
6.5 Full-Wavelength Microstrip Slot Antenna 225
6.6 Concluding Remarks 228
7 Differential Microstrip Grid Array Antennas 231
7.1 Introduction 231
7.2 Basic Configuration 232
7.3 Principle of Operation 233
7.4 Fundamental Characteristics 234
7.5 Differential Excitation 236
7.6 Design Procedure, Formulas, and Examples 238
7.7 An Impedance Matching Technique 245
7.8 A Slow-Wave Structure 246
7.9 Dual Current Modes 252
7.10 Co-Aperture Dual Bands 253
7.11 Applications 257
7.12 Concluding Remarks 263
8 Differential Printed Antennas 267
8.1 Introduction 267
8.2 Quasi-Yagi Antennas 267
8.3 Fractal Antennas 287
8.4 Spiral Antennas 293
8.5 Applications 300
8.6 Concluding Remarks 303
9 Differential Antenna Measurements 307
9.1 Introduction 307
9.2 Impedance 307
9.3 Efficiency 318
9.4 Radiation Pattern 323
9.5 Gain 323
9.6 Concluding Remarks 326
References 327
Index 329