Advanced Wireless Networks
5G Technology

3. Edition July 2016
864 Pages, Hardcover
Practical Approach Book
The third edition of this popular reference covers enabling technologies for building up 5G wireless networks. Due to extensive research and complexity of the incoming solutions for the next generation of wireless networks it is anticipated that the industry will select a subset of these results and leave some advanced technologies to be implemented later,. This new edition presents a carefully chosen combination of the candidate network architectures and the required tools for their analysis. Due to the complexity of the technology, the discussion on 5G will be extensive and it will be difficult to reach consensus on the new global standard. The discussion will have to include the vendors, operators, regulators as well as the research and academic community in the field. Having a comprehensive book will help many participants to join actively the discussion and make meaningful contribution to shaping the new standard.
1 Introduction: Generalized Model of Advanced Wireless Networks 1
1.1 Network Model 3
1.2 Network Connectivity 5
1.3 Wireless Network Design with Small World Properties 7
1.4 Frequency Channels Backup 11
1.5 Generalized Network Model 13
1.6 Routing Protocols Over s-Lattice Network 14
1.7 Network Performance 16
1.8 Node, Route, Topology, and Network Robustness 19
1.9 Power Consumption 20
1.10 Protocol Complexity 20
1.11 Performance Evaluation 21
1.12 Book Layout 27
Appendix A.1 33
References 34
2 Adaptive Network Layer 35
2.1 Graphs and Routing Protocols 35
2.2 Graph Theory 54
2.3 Routing with Topology Aggregation 56
References 60
3 Mobility Management 65
3.1 Cellular Networks 65
3.2 Cellular Systems with Prioritized Handoff 89
3.3 Cell Residing Time Distribution 100
3.4 Mobility Prediction in Pico- and Micro-Cellular Networks 105
Appendix A.3 Distance Calculation in an Intermediate Cell 116
References 122
4 Ad Hoc Networks 126
4.1 Routing Protocols 126
4.2 Hybrid Routing Protocol 146
4.3 Scalable Routing Strategies 152
4.4 Multipath Routing 160
4.5 Clustering Protocols 162
4.6 Cashing Schemes for Routing 175
4.7 Distributed QoS Routing 181
References 190
5 Sensor Networks 194
5.1 Introduction 194
5.2 Sensor Network Parameters 196
5.3 Sensor Network Architecture 199
5.4 Mobile Sensor Network Deployment 209
5.5 Directed Diffusion 212
5.6 Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks 216
5.7 Boundary Estimation 220
5.8 Optimal Transmission Radius in Sensor Networks 227
5.9 Data Funneling 233
5.10 Equivalent Transport Control Protocol in Sensor Networks 236
References 237
6 Security 244
6.1 Authentication 244
6.2 Security Architecture 253
6.3 Key Management 257
6.4 Security in Ad Hoc Networks 261
6.5 Security in Sensor Networks 268
References 269
7 Network Economics 272
7.1 Fundamentals of Network Economics 272
7.2 Wireless Network Microeconomics: Data Sponsoring 286
7.3 Spectrum Pricing for Market Equilibrium 291
7.4 Sequential Spectrum Sharing 300
7.5 Data Plan Trading 308
References 315
8 Multi-Hop Cellular Networks 318
8.1 Modeling Multi-Hop Multi-Operator Multi-Technology Wireless Networks 318
8.2 Technology Background 319
8.3 System Model and Notation 321
8.4 m3 Route Discovery Protocols 323
8.5 Performance of m3 Route Discovery Protocols 327
8.6 Protocol Complexity 329
8.7 Traffic Offloading Incentives 330
8.8 Performance Illustrations 335
References 344
9 Cognitive Networks 346
9.1 Technology Background 346
9.2 Spectrum Auctions for Multi-hop Cognitive Networks 350
9.3 Compound Auctioning in Multi-hop Cognitive Cellular Networks 363
References 388
10 Stochastic Geometry 391
10.1 Background Theory 391
References 398
11 Heterogeneous Networks 402
11.1 Preliminaries 402
11.2 Self-Organized Small Cell Networks 404
11.3 Dynamic Network Architecture 411
11.4 Economics of Heterogeneous Networks 434
References 443
12 Access Point Selection 446
12.1 Background Technology 446
12.2 Network Selection Game 449
12.3 Joint Access Point Selection and Power Allocation 453
12.4 Joint AP Selection and Beamforming Optimization 463
References 474
13 Self-Organizing Networks 478
13.1 Self-Organizing Network Optimization 478
13.2 System Model 478
13.3 Joint Optimization of Tilts and AP Association 481
References 484
14 Complex Networks 486
14.1 Evolution Towards Large-Scale Networks 486
14.2 Network Characteristics 491
14.3 Random Graphs 494
References 496
15 Massive MIMO 499
15.1 Linearly Precoded Multicellular Downlink System 499
15.2 System Model 503
15.3 Optimization for Perfect Channel State Information 505
15.4 Robust Designs for WSRM Problem 509
Appendix A.15 519
Appendix B.15 519
References 521
16 Network Optimization Theory 523
16.1 Introduction 523
16.2 Layering as Optimization Decomposition 524
16.3 Cross-Layer Optimization 533
16.4 Optimization Problem Decomposition Methods 543
References 554
17 Network Information Theory 557
17.1 Capacity of Ad Hoc Networks 557
17.2 Information Theory and Network Architectures 569
17.3 Cooperative Transmission in Wireless Multihop Ad Hoc Networks 577
References 584
18 Stability of Advanced Network Architectures 585
18.1 Stability of Cooperative Cognitive Wireless Networks 585
18.2 System Model 586
18.4 Optimal Control Policy 592
18.5 Achievable Rates 594
18.6 Stabilizing Transmission Policies 598
References 605
19 Multi-Operator Spectrum Sharing 607
19.1 Business Models for Spectrum Sharing 607
19.2 Spectrum Sharing in Multi-hop Networks 638
References 656
20 Large Scale Networks and Mean Field Theory 659
20.1 MFT for Large Heterogeneous Cellular Networks 659
20.2 Large Scale Network Model Compression 664
20.3 Mean Field Theory Model of Large Scale DTN Networks 668
20.4 Mean Field Modeling of Adaptive Infection Recovery in Multicast DTN Networks 674
20.5 Mean Field Theory for Scale-Free Random Networks 701
20.6 Spectrum Sharing and MFT 709
20.7 Modeling Dynamics of Complex System 711
Appendix A.20 Iterative Algorithm to Solve Systems of Nonlinear ODEs (DiNSE-Algorithm) 721
Appendix B.20 Infection Rate of Destinations for DNCM 722
Appendix C.20 Infection Rate for Basic Epidemic Routing 722
References 722
21 mmWave Networks 726
21.1 mmWave Technology in Subcellular Architecture 726
21.2 Microeconomics of Dynamic mmWave Networks 737
References 747
22 Cloud Computing in Wireless Networks 750
22.1 Technology Background 750
22.2 System Model 752
22.3 System Optimization 756
22.4 Dynamic Control Algorithm 758
22.5 Achievable Rates 761
22.6 Stabilizing Control Policies 763
References 769
23 Wireless Networks and Matching Theory 771
23.1 Background Technology: Matching Markets 772
23.2 Distributed Stable Matching in Multiple Operator Cellular Network with Traffic Offloading 776
23.3 College Admissions Game Model for Cellular Networks with Traffic Offloading 779
23.4 Many to Many Matching Games for Caching in Wireless Networks 783
23.5 Many to One Matching with Externalities in Cellular Networks with Traffic Offloading 787
23.6 Security in Matching of Device to Device Pairs in Cellular Networks 791
References 795
24 Dynamic Wireless Network Infrastructure 797
24.1 Infrastructure Sharing in Multi-Operator Cellular Networks 797
24.2 User Provided Connectivity 802
24.3 Network Virtualization 806
24.4 Software Defined Networks 810
24.5 SDN Security 816
References 819
Index 827