Automation in the Welding Industry
Incorporating Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Other Technologies
Industry 5.0 Transformation Applications

1. Edition February 2024
304 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
This volume serves as a multidimensional perspective of welding practices in Industry 5.0 from the perspective of automation, digitization, digital twins, cobots, virtual reality, augmented reality, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and IoT ranging from rudiments to advanced applications.
This book introduces the concept of Industry 5.0 in welding technologies, where the human brain collaborates with robots to achieve rapid productivity and economic efficiency. It presents the latest information on adapting and integrating Industry 5.0 in welding industries through critical constituents such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), digital twin, augmented and virtual reality (AR & VR), and collaborative robots (Cobots), towards intelligent welding systems. The chapter authors have comprehensively addressed the issues related to welding industries such as a shortage of welders, challenges in critical applications, creating defect-free and quality products through real-time monitoring, feedback systems, and in situ adjustments, etc. The utilization of cobots in welding technology is addressed in real-world problems to move towards a green welding environment (i.e., minimal fumes with less shielding gas) and thereby, less energy consumption. Two or more welding processes are combined to form a hybrid process where the compatibility of existing materials and novel materials can be used in 3D, 4D, and 5D printing of complex geometries.
Engineering research scholars, industry welding, and additive manufacturing groups. A diverse group of industries will be interested in this book, such as medical, automotive, construction, pipeline, shipping, aerospace, etc.
Acknowledgments xix
1 Introduction to Industry 5.0 1
Muralimohan Cheepu, Syed Quadir Moinuddin and Ashok Kumar Dewangan
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Industry 4.0 8
1.3 Industry 5.0 9
2 Advancements in Welding Technologies 13
Pavan Meena, Ansari Mohd Farhan, Ramkishor Anant and Shaik Himam Saheb
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Quality of Weld Joint 15
2.3 Pulsed Current GMAW 16
2.4 P-GMAW Process Stability Factors 18
2.5 Suitable Pulse Parameters of Selection 18
2.6 Effect of Pulse Parameters 19
2.7 Pulsed Current GMAW Advances 22
2.8 Double-Pulsed GMAW 23
2.9 Synergic Control 24
2.10 Self-Regulating Control 25
2.11 Microcomputer Control 26
2.12 GMAW Shielding Gas Flow 27
2.13 Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) 27
2.14 The Measurement of Oxygen (O2) Concentration 31
2.15 Spectroscopic Measurements of Plasma Temperature 31
2.16 P-GMAW Numeric Simulation 32
3 Automation in Welding Industries 37
Deepak Kumar Naik, Ved Prakash Sharma and Dinesh Kumar R.
3.1 Introduction 38
3.2 Automation Trends 41
3.3 Plasma Welding 42
3.4 Laser Welding 44
3.5 Arc Welding 45
3.6 MIG Welding 45
3.7 Resistance Welding 46
3.8 Conclusions 47
4 Digitalization of Welding Processes 49
Atla Sridhar, K. Prasanna Lakshmi, Shaik Himam Saheb and M. Siva Surya
4.1 Introduction 49
4.2 Techniques for Process Monitoring 51
4.3 Process Monitoring Applications 61
4.4 Future Directions 67
5 AI and ML in Welding Technologies 73
Suresh Goka, Gorle Shanmukha Narayana, Divya Jyothi G., Himam Saheb Shaik and Syed Quadir Moinuddin
5.1 Introduction 74
5.2 Enhancing the Welding Industry 76
5.3 Machine Learning Algorithm Types 80
5.4 Background of AI and ML 81
5.5 Weld Defects 82
5.6 Level of Weld Quality 83
5.7 Case Studies 86
5.8 Feasibility of Online Inspection of Ultrasonic Weld Quality 88
5.9 Conclusions 89
6 Digital Twin in Welding 91
Syam Kumar Chokka, M. Nagaraju and K. Nagabushan Kumar
6.1 Introduction 91
6.2 Friction Stir Welding 92
6.3 Defects in Friction Stir Welding 96
6.4 Laser Welding 102
6.5 Summary 106
7 IoT in Welding Industries 111
Harisivasri Phanindra K., S. Venukumar, Muralimohan Cheepu and Venkata Charan Kantumuchu
7.1 Introduction 111
7.2 Sensing and Analyzing Welding Data via the Internet of Things (IoT) 113
7.3 Welding Manufacture Based on IoT 114
7.4 Conclusion 127
8 VR and AR in Welding Technologies 129
Veningston K. and Dinesh Kumar Rajendran
8.1 Introduction 129
8.2 How Intelligent is AI When Coupled with VR/AR? 132
8.3 VR/AR Architecture 132
8.4 Welding Processes 132
8.5 Intelligent Welding Technology 133
8.6 Types of Intelligent Welding Processes 134
8.7 Automated Welding Examples 135
8.8 Applications of VR and AR in Automated Welding 136
8.9 AI and ML for Visual Inspection of Welds 138
8.10 Limitations in the Existing State-of-the-Art Welding Techniques 140
8.11 Conclusions 141
9 Intelligent, Clean Cobot Arc Welding Cell 143
E. Schubert, S. Rose, M. Bender, N. Spietz and T. Weber
9.1 Chances for SMEs 143
9.2 Parameters and Consumption Data 146
9.3 CO2 Footprint Methodology 148
9.4 Result Presentation 149
9.5 Conclusion 154
10 Welding-Based 3D, 4D, 5D Printing 157
Suresh Goka, Satish Narayana Srirama, Divya Jyothi G., Syed Quadir Moinuddin and Himam Saheb Shaik
10.1 Introduction 158
10.2 Differences Among 3DP, 4DP and 5DP 160
10.3 Materials Used in 3DP, 4DP and 5DP Processes 162
10.4 Machinability of Welded Components 168
10.5 Concept of 4D and 5D Printing 169
10.6 FEM-Based Analysis 172
10.7 Applications 174
10.8 Conclusions 177
11 Welding and Joining of Novel Materials 183
Rajendra Goud, Poonam S. Deshmukh, Bhavesh Jain, G. Dan Sathiaraj and Kodli Basanth Kumar
11.1 Introduction 184
11.2 Core Effects 184
11.3 Arc Welding Techniques for HEAs 186
11.4 Solid State Welding 192
11.5 Explosive Welding 197
11.6 EBW and EBC of HEAs 200
11.7 Laser Welding of HEAs 202
11.8 Laser Cladding of HEAs 206
11.9 Conclusion and Summary 208
12 Sustainability in Welding Industries 215
Y.G. Bala, Santhi B. and Dinesh Kumar R.
12.1 Introduction 215
12.2 Critical Factors for Sustainability of Welding 216
12.3 Adoptability of Sustainable Welding 218
12.4 New Welding Standards for Sustainability 218
12.5 Resource-Conserving Techniques 219
12.6 Sustainability in Welding Training 220
12.7 5S Lean Strategy for a Sustainable Welding Process 221
12.8 A-TIG Welding: A Small Step Towards Sustainable Manufacturing 223
12.9 Sustainability Indices 227
12.10 Conclusion 227
13 Global Welding Market Growth 229
Y.G. Bala and Dinesh Kumar Rajendran
13.1 Introduction 229
13.2 Patrons of Global Welding Market 233
13.3 Welding Technologies in the Global Welding Market 236
13.4 Fluxes, Wires, Electrodes, and Fillers 237
13.5 Welding Market Dynamics 238
13.6 Manpower and Labor Challenges in Global Market 239
13.7 COVID-19's Impact on Global Welding Materials Market 240
13.8 New Opportunity in the Welding Market and Advanced Applications 241
13.9 Conclusions 241
14 Quality Assurance and Control in Welding and Additive Manufacturing 245
Venkata Charan Kantumchu, Syed Quadir Moinuddin, Ashok Kumar Dewangan and Muralimohan Cheepu
14.1 Introduction 246
14.2 Quality Issues in Welding 247
14.3 Quality Issues in 3D Printing 255
14.4 Conclusion 259
15 Welding Practices in Industry 5.0: Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications 263
Suresh Goka, Syed Quadir Moinuddin, Muralimohan Cheepu and Ashok Kumar Dewangan
15.1 Introduction 264
15.2 Manufacturing Trends 264
15.3 Welding Technology 265
15.4 Variety of Materials Used by Welding for Industry 5.0 267
15.5 Virtual Reality (VR) for Welders 274
15.6 Challenges and Opportunities in Nuclear Reactor 275
15.7 Challenges of AM-Based Functionally Graded Materials Through LDED 276
15.8 Conclusion 277
References 277
Index 281
Shaik Himam Saheb, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, at ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (deemed to be a University), Hyderabad, Telangana, India. He has published many articles in international journals and conferences. The team guided by him has received a national-level Go-Kart Championship award organized by the Indian Society of New Era Engineers.
Ashok Kumar Dewangan, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Delhi, India. He has published 25 research papers in reputed peer-reviewed international journals, conferences, and book chapters. Currently, he is working in a few areas including thermal modeling of selective laser melting, and single/twin wire gas metal arc welding.
Murali Mohan Cheepu, PhD, is a research manager at Starwelds Inc. Busan, Republic of Korea. He has several years of industry experience specializing in the development of wire arc additive manufacturing processes for large-scale components, welding process design, automation, digitalization, and artificial intelligence. He has published numerous papers in scientific and conference proceedings, edited books, and patents.
S. Balamurugan, PhD, is the Director of Research and Development, Intelligent Research Consultancy Services (iRCS), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. He is also Director of the Albert Einstein Engineering and Research Labs (AEER Labs), as well as Vice-Chairman, Renewable Energy Society of India (RESI), India. He has published 45 books, 200+ international journals/ conferences, and 35 patents.