Modern Analog Filter Analysis and Design
A Practical Approach
1. Edition October 2010
XXII, 356 Pages, Softcover
269 Pictures
47 tables
Practical Approach Book
Wiley Online LibraryContentSample ChapterErratumInstructor's Resources
Short Description
Starting from the fundamental details, the present book describes how to design filters and illustrates the single steps of application of these principles by using the necessary analysis and providing numerical simulation programs.
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Starting from the fundamentals, the present book describes methods of designing analog electronic filters and illustrates these methods by providing numerical and circuit simulation programs. The subject matters comprise many concepts and techniques that are not available in other text books on the market. To name a few - principle of transposition and its application in directly realizing current mode filters from well known voltage mode filters; an insight into the technological aspect of integrated circuit components used to implement an integrated circuit filter; a careful blending of basic theory, numerical verification (using MATLAB) and illustration of the actual circuit behaviour using circuit simulation program (SPICE); illustration of few design cases using CMOS and BiCMOS technological processes.
2. A Review of Network Analysis Techniques
3. Network Theorems and Approximation of Filter Functions
4. Basics of Passive Filter Design
5. Second-Order Active-RC Filters
6. Switched-Capacitor Filters
7. Higher-Order Active Filters
8. Current-Mode Filters
9. Implementation of Analog Integrated Circuit Filters
M.N.S. Swamy received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1963. He is presently a Research Professor and the Director of the Center for Signal Processing and Communications in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, where he served as the Founding Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering from 1970 to 1977, and Dean of Engineering and Computer Science from 1977 to 1993. Since 2001, he has been holding the Concordia Research Chair in Signal Processing. Dr. Swamy has also taught in the Electrical Engineering Department of the Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, and the University of Calgary, as well as in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Saskatchewan. He is the author or co-author of many articles and several books, and a Fellow of many societies including the IEEE , the IET (UK) and the EIC (Canada). He is the recipient of many awards including the IEEE-CAS Society education Medal, Golden Jubilee Medal, and the Guillemin-Cauer best paper award. He was the president of the CAS-Society in 2004 and Editor-in Chief of the IEEE transactions on Circuits and Systems during 1999-2001. Recently, he was awarded the title of Honorary Professor by the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.