John Wiley & Sons GMAT Prep Exam Pack 1 Cover Enhance your free GMATPrep® software download with twofull-length practice exams, featuring 90 addit.. Product #: 978-1-119-07044-3 Regular price: $54.11 $54.11 In Stock

GMAT Prep Exam Pack 1

GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)


14. Edition March 2025
Additional Downloadable Content
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-119-07044-3
John Wiley & Sons

Enhance your free GMATPrep® software download with twofull-length practice exams, featuring 90 additional questions.Simulate the real GMAT test-taking experience, review yourprogress, and explore test-taking strategies to help boost yourresults. Practicing with purpose and simulating the test-takingenvironment are essential to getting the score you want on the GMATexam. You can extend your test-taking preparation by adding twonever-before-seen, full-length exams featuring 90 real GMATquestions.
* Prepare: learn about the test, the math skills you will need,and a step-by-step guide to getting ready for the GMAT®exam
* Practice: try real GMAT® exam questions (90 are included),review your progress, and apply what you've learned in twofull-length GMAT® exams
* Improve: explore strategies to help you go further and findadditional prep tools to meet your needs