Wiley Handbook of Learning Technology
Wiley Handbooks in Education

1. Edition April 2016
616 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
The Wiley Handbook of Learning Technology is an authoritative and up-to-date survey of the fast-growing field of learning technology, from its foundational theories and practices to its challenges, trends, and future developments.
* Offers an examination of learning technology that is equal parts theoretical and practical, covering both the technology of learning and the use of technology in learning
* Individual chapters tackle timely and controversial subjects, such as gaming and simulation, security, lifelong learning, distance education, learning across educational settings, and the research agenda
* Designed to serve as a point of entry for learning technology novices, a comprehensive reference for scholars and researchers, and a practical guide for education and training practitioners
* Includes 29 original and comprehensively referenced essays written by leading experts in instructional and educational technology from around the world
Acknowledgements x
Contributors xi
Editorial Advisory Board xiii
1 Mapping the Field and Terminology 1
Nick Rushby and Daniel W. Surry
2 How People Learn 15
Jeroen van Merriënboer
3 What is Technology? 35
Martin Oliver
4 Learning Theory and Technology: A Reciprocal Relationship 58
Peggy A. Ertmer and Timothy J. Newby
5 Evolution of Learning Technologies 77
Maggie McPherson
6 Learning Technology at Home and Preschool 96
Lydia Plowman
7 Problem Spaces: A Framework and Questions for Critical Engagement with Learning Technologies in Formal Educational Contexts 113
Keith Turvey and Norbert Pachler
8 Learning Technology in Higher Education 131
Johannes Cronje
9 Learning Technology in Business and Industry 145
Clark Quinn
10 Educational Technologies in Distance Education: Off-campus and Online, but on Course? 160
Yoni Ryan and Colin Latchem
11 Learning Technology and Lifelong Informal, Self?-Directed, and Non-formal Learning 180
Colin Latchem
12 Learning with Technologies in Resource?-constrained Environments 200
Dick Ng'ambi and Vivienne Bozalek
13 Competencies for Designers, Instructors, and Online Learners 221
Barbara L. Grabowski, Michael Beaudoin, and Tiffany A. Koszalka
14 Digital Learning Environments 242
George Veletsianos
15 How to Succeed with Online Learning 261
Phil Green
16 Diversity and Inclusion in the Learning Enterprise: Implications for Learning Technologies 287
Robbin Chapman
17 Sins of Omission: The Search for Missing Signs by Abandoned e?-Learners 301
Ruth Gannon?-Cook
18 Equity, Access, and the Digital Divide in Learning Technologies: Historical Antecedents, Current Issues, and Future Trends 327
Marshall Jones and Rebecca Bridges
19 University Learning Technology Control and Security: Requires Teamwork to Succeed 348
Donald Tharp and Greg Chamberlain
20 The Design of Learning 372
Daniel Spikol
21 Mobile Learning and Social Networking 390
John Traxler
22 The Utility of Games for Society, Business, and Politics: A Frame?-reflective Discourse Analysis 406
Igor Mayer, Harald Warmelink, and Qiqi Zhou
23 The Investment in Learning Technologies: Evidencing Value for Money? 436
Jane Massy
24 Technology Planning in Schools 455
David C. Ensminger
25 Surviving the Next Generation of Organizations--as Leaders 484
Eugene Kowch
26 Futureproofing 508
Steve Harmon and Wayne Dennison
27 Towards a Research Agenda for Educational Technology Research 523
Paul A. Kirschner and Liesbeth Kester
28 The Dystopian Futures 542
Neil Selwyn
29 Utopian Futures for Learning Technologies 557
Marcus Childress
Index 571