The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics
5 Volume Set
The Companions to Linguistics (CNLZ) series
An inclusive survey of linguistic semantics, written by prominent experts in the field
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics provides a thorough investigation of issues and phenomena central to the development of modern semantics and its interfaces. Presenting in-depth chapters written by leading experts in the field, this book investigates competing analyses and approaches, examines their conceptual foundations, and evaluates them as applied to various languages. This authoritative collection enables scholars and students of semantics--as well as those from associated areas of linguistics such as syntacticians--to broaden and deepen their knowledge of the subject and the developments in the field.
Presenting over 100 case studies, the collection of chapters within this Companion is organized in alphabetical order for ease of reference. This key reference work:
* Provides detailed coverage of the major developments in linguistic semantics over the past several decades
* Demonstrates how research can identify differences and similarities in a variety of languages
* Presents studies that encompass well-delimited empirical areas and play important roles in theoretical debates
* Identifies topics via famous example sentences
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics is a valuable reference work for scholars, researchers, academics, and students in linguistics and related areas.
This work is also available as an online resource at
Valentine Hacquard
Massimo Poesio
Anankastic conditionals
Kjell Johan Sæbø
Aspectual composition: Drinking (a glass of) milk
Markus Egg
Attitude Verbs
Hazel Pearson
Bare singulars
Alan Munn & Cristina Schmitt
Biscuit conditionals
Kyle Rawlins
Boolean and non-Boolean conjunction
Viola Schmitt
Clausal vs. phrasal comparatives
Winfried Lechner
Complex Demonstratives
Geoff Georgi
Michael Johnson
Concealed Questions
Ilaria Frana
Conceptual spaces and semantic similarities of colors
Gerhard Jäger
Context and Conversation
Mitchell Green
Copular Sentences
Caroline Heycock
Jo-Wang Lin
Count nouns vs. Mass nouns
Susan Rothstein
Ana Arregui
Cécile Meier
Dimensions of meaning
Daniel Gutzmann
Discourse particles
Patrick G. Grosz
Distributivity, Collectivity, and Cumulativity
Lucas Champollion
Donkey Anaphora
Adrian Brasoveanu & Jakub Dotlacil
Ellipsis and Identity
Daniel Hardt
Epistemic Modality
Igor Yanovich
E-Type Pronouns
Rick Nouwen
Evaluative Predicates beyond fun and tasty
Carla Umbach
Sarah Murray
Elena Castroviejo
Elin McCready
Family Resemblance and Prototypes
Galit Sassoon
Free choice disjunction
Marie-Christine Meyer
Free Choice Items and Modal Indefinites
"Luis Alonso-Ovalle & Paula Menéndez-Benito"
Free Relatives
Radek Simík
Gradable adjectives and degree expressions
Marcin Morzycki
Graded Modality
Daniel Lassiter
Manfred Sailer
Magda Kaumann
Ashwini Deo
Indefinite-interrogative affinity
Edgar Onea
Index-Dependence and Embedding
Orin Percus
Isidora Stojanovic
Indicative Conditionals
Katrin Schulz & Robert van Rooij
Information Structure
Beáta Gyuris
Intensional Transitive Verbs
Florian Schwarz
Intentional Identity
Robert van Rooij
Intervention effects
Clemens Steiner-Mayr
Inverse linking constructions
Malte Zimmermann
Kinds of (Non)Specificity
"Donka F. Farkas & Adrian Brasoveanu"
Lexical aspect (Aktionsart)
Hana Filip
Lexical decomposition
Irene Rapp & Arnim von Stechow
Linguistic relativity: From Whorf to now
Jürgen Bohnemeyer
Literal vs enriched meaning
Paul Elbourne
Logical Omniscience
Paul Egré
Matrix and embedded presuppositions: projection, accommodation, cancellation, and ambiguities
Raj Singh
Measure phrases
Greg Scontras
Mixed Quotation
Emar Maier
Modal concord
Janneke van Wijnbergen-Huitink
Modal Subordination: It would eat you first!
Craige Roberts
Modal-Temporal Interactions
"Anamaria Falaus & Brenda Laca"
Modified Numerals
Benjamin Spector
Negative Indefinites and negative concord
Doris Penka
Negative polarity
Vincent Homer
Nominal vs. Adverbial Quantification
Stefan Hinterwimmer
Nominalizations: The Case of Nominalizations of Modal Predicates
Friederike Moltmann
Nonlocal adjectival modification
Bernhard Schwarz
Non-restrictive nominal modification
Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen
Noun Incorporation
"Sandra Chung & William A. Ladusaw"
Ana Müller + Luciana Sanchez-Mendes
Possible Worlds Semantics for Pictures
Dorit Abusch
Pragmatic Accommodation
"Mikhail Kissine & Myrto Pantazi"
Presuppositional Binding
Rob van der Sandt
Progressive: The Imperfective paradox
Alessandro Zucchi
Prosodic focus
Michael Wagner
Quantifiers, Scope, and Pseudo-Scope
Wolfgang Sternefeld
Quantity Implicatures
Uli Sauerland + Andreea Nicolae
"Questions and interrogatives, exhaustivity vs. quantificational variability"
Paul Hagstrom
Representing Intensionality
Thomas Ede Zimmermann
Rhetorical Relations
"Katja Jasinskaja & Elena Karagjosova"
Semantic Change
Dirk Geeraerts
Semantic Parameters and Universals
Sigrid Beck
Semantics of English intonation: A leopard? A leopard!
Hubert Truckenbrodt
Semantics vs. Pragmatics
Daniel Gutzmann
Sequence of Tense
Yael Sharvit
Spatial prepositions and locatives in formal semantics
Marcus Kracht
Speaker's Reference
Barbara Abbott
Strong and Weak Nominals
Louise McNally
Systematic Polysemy
Johannes Dölling
Temporal Properties of Noun Phrases
Judith Tonhauser
Tense and Temporal Adverbs
Daniel Altshuler
The Interpretation of Tense
"Toshiyuki Ogihara & Kiyomi Kusumoto"
The Linguistic and Philosophical Status of 'Impossible Words'
John Collins
The Name and Nature of Neg-Raising
Jon Robert Gajewski
The Parameters of Indirect Speech
Regine Eckardt
The Partee Paradox
Sebastian Löbner
The Perfect
Atle Grønn & Arnim von Stechow
The Semantics and Pragmatics of Appositives
Philippe Schlenker
The subjunctive
Josep Quer
Satoshi Tomioka
Type Shifting: The Partee Triangle
Herman Hendriks
Vagueness and Natural Language Semantics
"Heather Burnett & Peter Sutton"
Weak necessity
Aynat Rubinstein
Wide Scope Indefinites
Cornelia Ebert
Lisa Matthewson is Professor of Linguistics at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Her research interests center on semantic variation and universals. She is co-editor of Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork (2015) and editor of Quantification: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (2008) and is author of When I Was Small - I Wan Kwikws: A Grammatical Analysis of St'át'imcets Oral Narratives (2005) and Determiner Systems and Quantificational Strategies: Evidence from Salish (1998).
Cécile Meier is Senior Lecturer at Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany. She has worked on the interpretation of adjectives and comparison constructions and on definiteness. She is a co-editor of Approaches to Meaning: Composition, Values, and Interpretation (2014) and Subjective Meaning: Alternatives to Relativism (2016).
Hotze Rullmann is Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He is co-editor of Perspectives on Negation and Polarity Items (2001) and has published on a variety of topics in semantics, including questions, comparatives, negative polarity, focus particles, modality, and the interaction of modals with tense and aspect.
Thomas Ede Zimmermann is Professor of Formal Semantics at Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany. His main research interests include descriptive compositional semantics, the logical foundations of semantics, and philosophy of language. In addition to his book publications, which include the co-authored Introduction to Semantics (2013), he has also published more than 50 research papers and is former editor of the Linguistics and Philosophy journal.