An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology

2. Edition January 2024
624 Pages, Softcover
A fully updated edition of the definitive textbook
Work psychology is the study of work behavior and the psychological dimensions that both produce and result from it. It has developed in recent decades into a field that takes a comprehensive view of 21st century workers and their psychological context and condition. Now fully updated to reflect the latest research and practical insights, it promises to continue as an indispensable resource for advanced courses in work psychology.
Readers of the second edition of An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology will find:
* Chapters written by a global team of experts
* Overview of classic and current theories that comprise Work Psychology
* Detailed discussion of topics such as leadership, emotion work, sustainable careers, job crafting and the future of work
* A unique focus on positive aspects of work, including motivation, engagement, personal resources and positive workplace interventions
An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology is ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in work psychology courses, as well as for students or researchers looking for a reference or introduction to the subject.
"Understanding work from various psychological perspectives has become highly relevant for all those involved and interested in the diverse and changing nature of work-life. This book is a treasury of what is important to know of current work psychology. It is timely, comprehensive, and enjoyable reading. Editors and authors have done great job and now it is time for readers to enjoy this book and its many perspectives to the world of contemporary work and organizational psychology."
--Jari Hakanen, PhD, Research professor, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
List of Contributors ix
Part A Introduction to Work Psychology 1
1 Setting the Scene: People at Work 3
Maria C. W. Peeters, Toon Taris, and Jan de Jonge
2 Research Methods in Work Psychology 30
E. Kevin Kelloway and Arla Day
Part B Theoretical Perspectives 65
3 Motivating Employees Using Self- Determination Theory 67
Anja van den Broeck, Wladislaw Rivkin, and Gavin R. Slemp
4 The Classic Models that Made Psychology Work 88
Jan de Jonge, Kevin Daniels, Pascale M. Le Blanc, and Matthew Davis
5 Current Theoretical Perspectives in Work Psychology 118
Jan de Jonge, Evangelia Demerouti, and Christian Dormann
Part C Demands at Work 145
6 Job Demands 147
Marc van Veldhoven
7 Emotion Work in Organizations 170
Dieter Zapf, Marcel Kern, Franziska Tschan, David Holman, and Norbert K. Semmer
8 Social Stressors in Organizations 190
Ståle Valvatne Einarsen
Part D Resources at Work 213
9 Conservation of Resources Theory 215
Stevan E. Hobfoll, Jean- Pierre Neveu, and Mina Westman
10 Job Resources 235
Christian Dormann, Chris Giebe, and Jan de Jonge
11 Personal Resources 255
Despoina Xanthopoulou and Anne Mäkikangas
Part E Boundaries of Work 277
12 Work-Family Interaction 279
Ulla Kinnunen, Johanna Rantanen, Saija Mauno, and Maria C. W. Peeters
13 Non- Standard Working Arrangements 300
Philip Tucker, Debby G. J. Beckers, Anna Dahlgren, and Sabine A. E. Geurts
14 Recovery from Work Stress 321
Laura Venz, Anne Wöhrmann, Laura Vieten, and Alexandra Michel
Part F The Work Context 345
15 The Psychology of Organizational Leadership 347
Kaylee Somerville and Julian Barling
16 Safety at Work 368
Nik Chmiel and Toon Taris
17 Psychosocial Safety Climate 387
Ali Afsharian, Amy Zadow, Rachael Potter, May Young Loh, Amy Parkin, Cherie Crispin, Jordan Rainbow, and Maureen Dollard
Part G Work Outcomes 409
18 Burnout, Boredom, and Engagement in the Workplace 411
Wilmar B. Schaufeli and Marisa Salanova
19 Work Performance 440
Toon Taris and Tianchang Ji
20 Sickness Absence and Sickness Presence 460
Toon Taris
21 Sustainable Careers and Employability 481
Jos Akkermans, Beatrice van der Heijden, and Ans de Vos
Part H Workplace Interventions 503
22 Prevention and Intervention: Multi-Level Workplace Interventions 505
Karina Nielsen and Anthony D. LaMontagne
23 Job Crafting: A Powerful Job Redesign Approach 524
Evangelia Demerouti and Arnold B. Bakker
24 Positive Workplace Interventions 543
Carolyn M. Youssef- Morgan, Justin W. Carter, and Dale Sundermann
Part I The Future of Work 565
25 Emergent Technologies at Work 567
Maria C. W. Peeters, Gudela Grote, and Sharon K. Parker
Index 586
Jan de Jonge, PhD, is a full professor of Work and Sports Psychology at Eindhoven University of Technology, and a visiting professor at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. His expertise is in Work Psychology, Sports Psychology, Occupational Health Psychology, Human Performance Management, and finally Research Methods & Advanced Statistics.
Toon Taris, PhD, is a full professor of Work and Organizational Psychology in the Department of Social, Health and Organizational Psychology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. He has published extensively on occupational health, engagement, workaholism, and many other subjects.