John Wiley & Sons The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders Cover The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders blends theory and research with practice and cl.. Product #: 978-1-394-22175-2 Regular price: $167.29 $167.29 In Stock

The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders

Kring, Ann M. / Johnson, Sheri L.


16. Edition November 2024
640 Pages, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-394-22175-2
John Wiley & Sons

Further versions

The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders blends theory and research with practice and clinical application to provide learners with a solid foundation in psychological disorders and develop their understanding with up-to-date and relevant research, examples, and contexts.

From its first edition, the focus of this book has always been on balancing contemporary research and clinical application while involving the learner in the problem-solving engaged in by clinicians and scientists. It continues to emphasize an integrative approach, showing how psychopathology is best understood by considering multiple perspectives--genetic, neuroscientific, cognitive-behavioral, and sociocultural--and how these varying perspectives produce the clearest accounting of the causes of these disorders, as well as provide insights into the best possible treatments.

With this new sixteenth edition, "Abnormal Psychology" is dropped from the title. The importance of stigma and mental illness is discussed throughout--never is this more important than now when many social ills such as gun violence are too easily blamed on mental illness while we continue to warehouse people with psychological disorders in jails at an astonishing rate.


This textbook includes access to an interactive, multimedia e-text. Icons throughout the print book signal corresponding digital content in the e-text.

Case Study Videos and Pause and Ponder Activities: A collection of fourteen 7 to 10 minute Case Study Videos presents an encompassing view of a variety of psychological disorders, featuring people experiencing these disorders and their families describing symptoms from their own perspective. In addition, each video provides concise information about the available treatment options and commentary from a mental health professional. Each video is presented in the context of a Pause and Ponder activity with the following elements:

* Part I: Pause: Readers are asked to read several short examples of everyday life situations facing a person, or people, with a particular disorder and assess their own ability to empathize.

* Part II: Learn: Readers are directed to view the Case Study Video and answer a series of questions with interactive self-scoring.

* Part III: Ponder: Finally, readers are asked to respond to one or more open-ended questions and to reassess their ability to empathize.

Interactive Figures, Charts & Tables: Appearing throughout the enhanced e-text, interactive figures, process diagrams, and tables facilitate the study of complex concepts and processes and help students retain important information. Even many of the simplest figures are interactive to encourage online readers to pause and absorb the information they present before scrolling on to additional reading.

Interactive Self-Scoring Check Your Knowledge Questions and Practice Quizzes: Students can check their answers to the Check Your Knowledge questions at the end of each major chapter section instantly, and each chapter includes a self-scoring Practice Quiz to help prepare for graded assignments and exams.

Ann M. Kring is Professor of Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley. She received her B.S. from Ball State University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. She was elected President of the Society for Research in Psychopathology and President of the Society for Affective Science. She is also the author of more than 130 articles and book chapters. Her current research focuses on emotion and psychopathology, with a specific interest in the emotional features, negative symptoms, and social factors of schizophrenia.

Sheri L. Johnson is Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley. She received her B.A. from Salem College and her Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. She is an associate editor for Psychological Bulletin and a consulting editor for Clinical Psychological Science and Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. She has authored more than 300 publications, and her findings have been published in leading journals. Her work focuses on bipolar disorder, emotion, emotion-related disorders, and impulsivity.

A. M. Kring, University of California at Berkeley; S. L. Johnson, University of Miami