Tissue Engineering for Artificial Organs
Regenerative Medicine, Smart Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine
1. Edition April 2017
XLIV, 718 Pages, Hardcover
31 tables
Short Description
A comprehensive overview of the latest progress, trends, and the current state of this important and rapidly expanding field. Clearly and logically structured, the first part explores the fundamentals, while the second adopts a practical approach, discussing various applications.
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A comprehensive overview of the latest achievements, trends, and the current state of the art of this important and rapidly expanding field.
Clearly and logically structured, the first part of the book explores the fundamentals of tissue engineering, providing a separate chapter on each of the basic topics, including biomaterials stem cells, biosensors and bioreactors. The second part then follows a more applied approach, discussing various applications of tissue engineering, such as the replacement or repairing of skins, cartilages, livers and blood vessels, to trachea, lungs and cardiac tissues, to musculoskeletal tissue engineering used for bones and ligaments as well as pancreas, kidney and neural tissue engineering for the brain. The book concludes with a look at future technological advances.
An invaluable reading for entrants to the field in biomedical engineering as well as expert researchers and developers in industry.
Tissue Engineering: Past, Present and Future
Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering: Prospects and challenges
Stem Cells and other Cell Sources: Prospects and Challenges
Microfluidics in Tissue Engineering
Bioreactors in Tissue Engineering
Biosensors in Tissue Engineering
Wound Healing and Tissue Engineered
Cartilage Tissue Engineering
Tissue Engineering of Liver
Tissue Engineered Blood Vessel
Tissue Engineering of Lungs
Tissue Engineering for Cardiac Tissues
Heart Valve Tissue Engineering
Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering- Bone, Ligament, tendon
Tissue Engineered Trachea
Tissue Engineering of Pancreas
Tissue Engineering of Renal Tissue (Kidney)
Bone Tissue Engineering
Neural Tissue Engineering
Brain Tissue Engineering
Concluding Remarks
Dr Hasan obtained his PhD from University of Alberta, Canada in 2010 and worked at Alberta Innovates Technology Futures in Edmonton, Canada and Champion Technologies LTD in Calgary, Alberta, Canada during 2010-2011. Dr. Anwarul Hasan has authored more than 60 journal and conference papers. He is a winner of more than sixteen national and international awards. Dr Hasan's research interests include Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering particularly for cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and neural applications.