PACS-Based Multimedia Imaging Informatics
Basic Principles and Applications
3. Edition December 2018
672 Pages, Hardcover
Practical Approach Book
Thoroughly revised to present the very latest in PACS-based multimedia in medical imaging informatics--from the electronic patient record to the full range of topics in digital medical imaging--this new edition by the founder of PACS and multimedia image informatics features even more clinically applicable material than ever before. It uses the framework of PACS-based image informatics, not physics or engineering principles, to explain PACS-based multimedia informatics and its application in clinical settings and labs. New topics include Data Grid and Cloud Computing, IHE XDS-I Workflow Profile (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Cross-enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging), extending XDS to share images, and diagnostic reports and related information across a group of enterprise health care sites.
PACS-Based Multimedia Imaging Informatics is presented in 4 sections. Part 1 covers the beginning and history of Medical Imaging, PACS, and Imaging Informatics. The other three sections cover Medical Imaging, Industrial Guidelines, Standards, and Compliance; Informatics, Data Grid, Workstation, Radiation Therapy, Simulators, Molecular Imaging, Archive Server, and Cloud Computing; and multimedia Imaging Informatics, Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD), Image-Guide Decision Support, Proton Therapy, Minimally Invasive Multimedia Image-Assisted Surgery, BIG DATA.
* New chapter on Molecular Imaging Informatics
* Expanded coverage of PACS and eHR's (Electronic Health Record), with HIPPA compliance
* New coverage of PACS-based CAD (Computer-Aided Diagnosis)
* Reorganized and expanded clinical chapters discuss one distinct clinical application each
* Minimally invasive image assisted surgery in translational medicine
* Authored by the world's first and still leading authority on PACS and medical imaging
PACS-Based Multimedia Imaging Informatics: Basic Principles and Applications, 3rd Edition is the single most comprehensive and authoritative resource that thoroughly covers the critical issues of PACS-based hardware and software design and implementation in a systematic and easily comprehensible manner. It is a must-have book for all those involved in designing, implementing, and using PACS-based Multimedia Imaging Informatics.
Foreword 2 xxxi
Foreword 3 xxxiii
Preface to the Third Edition xxxv
Preface to the Second Edition xxxix
Acknowledgments xliii
H.K. Huang Short Biography xlv
List of Acronyms xlvii
Part 1 The Beginning: Retrospective 1
1 Medical Imaging, PACS and Imaging Informatics: Retrospective 3
Part 2 Medical Imaging, Industrial Guidelines, Standards, and Compliance 37
2 Digital Medical Imaging 39
3 PACS Fundamentals 97
4 Industrial Standards: Health Level 7 (HL7), Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) 123
5 DICOM-Compliant Image Acquisition Gateway and Integration of HIS, RIS, PACS and ePR 155
6 Web-Based Data Management and Image Distribution 179
7 Medical Image Sharing for Collaborative Healthcare Based on IHE XDS-I Profile 191
Part 3 Informatics, Data Grid, Workstation, Radiotherapy, Simulators, Molecular Imaging, Archive Server, and Cloud Computing 215
8 Data Grid for PACS and Medical Imaging Informatics 217
9 Data Grid for Clinical Applications 233
10 Display Workstations 253
11 Multimedia Electronic Patient Record (EPR) System in Radiotherapy (RT) 291
12 PACS-Based Imaging Informatics Simulators 325
13 Molecular Imaging Data Grid (MIDG) 347
14 A DICOM-Based Second-Generation Molecular Imaging Data Grid (MIDG) with the IHE XDS-i Integration Profile 365
15 PACS-Based Archive Server and Cloud Computing 389
Part 4 Multimedia Imaging Informatics, Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD), Image-Guide Decision Support, Proton Therapy, Minimally Invasive Multimedia Image-Assisted Surgery, Big Data 417
Prologue - Chapters 16, 17 and 18 417
16 DICOM-Based Medical Imaging Informatics and CAD 419
17 DICOM-Based CAD: Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage and Multiple Sclerosis 435
18 PACS-Based CAD: Digital Hand Atlas and Bone Age Assessment of children 463
19 Intelligent ePR System for Evidence-Based Research in Radiotherapy 503
20 Multimedia Electronic Patient Record System for Minimally Invasive Image-Assisted Spinal Surgery 525
21 From Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery to Integrated Image-Assisted Surgery in Translational Medicine 559
22 Big Data in PACS-Based Multimedia Medical Imaging Informatics 575
Index 591