John Wiley & Sons Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry Cover The new 3-Volume Supplementary Set for Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry contains 95 new chapters.. Product #: 978-0-470-97333-2 Regular price: $747.66 $747.66 In Stock

Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry

Applications, Theory and Instrumentation, Supplementary Volumes S1-S3

Meyers, Robert A. (Editor)


1. Edition February 2011
2188 Pages, Hardcover
Handbook/Reference Book

ISBN: 978-0-470-97333-2
John Wiley & Sons

Short Description

The new 3-Volume Supplementary Set for Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry contains 95 new chapters (published online in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry (EAC) from 2008 - 2010), covering subjects which have achieved particular prominence and distinction since the print publication of EAC in 2001. This reference provides a cross-disciplinary work for all analytical chemists in academia and industry. The chemistry and techniques are described as performed in the laboratory, in the field, or by remote sensing. The level of detail within each article is similar to that of a laboratory protocol and, together with the cited references, supports the analysis of complex inorganic, organic, and biological structures by academic and industrial researchers.

The new 3-Volume Supplementary Set for Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry contains 95 new articles (published online in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry (EAC) from 2008 - 2010), covering subjects which have achieved particular prominence and distinction since the print publication of EAC in 2000. The new 3 Volume Set includes advances in applications and theory ranging from mass spectrometry, atomic, infrared, Raman and X-ray spectroscopy, to nuclear magnetic resonance and imaging, nuclear methods, electrochemistry, and hyphenated techniques.

Provides essential information required to analyze elements and compounds as well as structures in a wide variety of matrices for a range of applications, interpret the results and also gain a thorough knowledge of the theory and instrumentation utilized.

Coverage of key advances includes:
* Proteomics and genomics

Coverage of quantitative proteomics, electrochemical detection, dynamic light scattering, amyloids and protein aggregation measurements to low-cost, high-throughput gene sequencing

* Imaging technologies

Coverage of major new medical and biological techniques including: ultrashort laser pulse medical imaging, quantitative imaging of membrane mechanics with molecular resolution, 3D neutron imaging, scanning near-field ultrasound holography, atomic force microscopy in nanocell biology, biomolecular interactions using nanopore force spectroscopy, scanning electrochemical microscopy and quadrupolar nuclei in biological systems

* Nanotechnology

Expanded coverage of nanotechnology including scanning probe microscopy for imaging nanoparticles and nanocrystals, nanomaterials for electroanalysis, as well as scanning electrochemical microscopy, and scanning near-field ultrasound holography

* Other major advances

There is also comprehensive coverage of advances in environmental monitoring, drinking water analysis, forensic science, electronic absorption and luminescence spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, atomic spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and electrochemistry; as well as specific coverage in pharmaceuticals and drugs, clinical chemistry, X-ray spectrometry, chemometrics, polymers and liquid chromatography

Written at a level appropriate to allow a chemist (organic, polymer, inorganic, biochemist, molecular biologist), physicist or engineer to discover methodology for the analysis of most molecular and biological structures and materials.

Find out more about EAC Online here:

Supplementary Volume 1

Biomedical Spectroscopy.

Biomolecules Analysis.

Clinical Chemistry.

Environment: Water and Waste.

Field-portable Instrumentation.

Forensic Science.

Liquid Chromatography.

Nucleic Acids Structure and Mapping.

Peptides and Proteins.

Pharmaceuticals and Drugs.

Polymers and Rubbers.

Process Instrumental Methods.


Supplementary Volume 2.

Atomic Spectroscopy.

Electroanalytical Methods.

Electronic Absorption and Luminescence.

Infrared Spectroscopy.

Mass Spectrometry.

Supplementary Volume 3.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy.

Nuclear Methods.

Raman Spectroscopy.

X-Ray Spectrometry.

General Articles.


Lists of Index.
"Whether purchased in print or online, this is an essential reference for chemists of all kinds - organic, polymer, inorganic, biochemist, molecular biologist - as well as astrophysicists and engineers." (Booknews, 1 June 2011)