In-situ Electron Microscopy
Applications in Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science

1. Edition April 2012
XVIII, 384 Pages, Hardcover
189 Pictures (11 Colored Figures)
4 tables
Handbook/Reference Book
Short Description
The text begins with introductory material and the basics, before going on to cover the techniques needed to determine growth processes, melting, reactions, and doping as well as mechanical, magnetic, optical and electronic properties. A final section is devoted to soft matter.
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Adopting a didactical approach from fundamentals to actual experiments and applications, this handbook and ready reference covers
real-time observations using modern scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, while also providing information
on the required stages and samples. The text begins with introductory material and the basics, before describing advancements and applications in dynamic transmission electron microscopy and reflection electron microscopy. Subsequently, the techniques needed to determine growth processes, chemical reactions and oxidation, irradiation effects, mechanical, magnetic, and ferroelectric properties as well as cathodoluminiscence and electromigration are discussed.
Mechanical Properties
Magnetic Properties
Optical Properties
Electronic Properties
Ferroelectric Properties
Soft Matter
I. Basics
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Focused Ion Beam Microscopy (FIB)
Transmission Electron Microscopy (including HRTEM and STEM)
Camera Systems for Dynamic TEM Experiments
II. Thermodynamics
Growth Processes
Melting and Pre-melting
Chemical Reactions and Oxidation
Interface Kinetcs
Formation of Silicides from a-Si and metal layers
Formation of Surface Patterns observed by Reflection Electron Microscopy
III. Mechanical Properties
The FIB Platform
Mechanical Tests in the SEM
Strain Mapping by Image Correlation (SEM to HRTEM)
Dislocation Mechanisms
New Developments: In-situ Nanoindentation, AFM, and STM Experiments in the TEM
IV. Magnetic Properties
Dynamic Observations of Domains, Vortices and of Ultrafast Phenomena by TEM and PEEM
V. Optical Properties
Cathodoluminiscence in SEM and TEM
Optical Properties of Nanotubes
VI. Electronic Properties
EBIC (SEM) and Potential Contrast
Electromigration (SEM, TEM)
VII. Ferroelectric Properties
Ferroelectric Domains
VIII. Soft Matter
Experiments using Wet-cells (SEM, ESEM, biological samples and materials)
Structure Determination of Soft Matter using In-situ Techniques
James M. Howe is the Thomas Goodwin Digges Chaired Professor and Director of the Nanoscale Materials Characterization Facility in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Virginia (USA). He has been a visiting professor at the University of Vienna and Osaka University. Dr. Howe has published over 200 technical papers, four book chapters and four symposium proceedings, and is author of the textbook 'Interfaces in Materials' and co-author of the textbook 'Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials'. For his research, he has received several awards including a von Humboldt Senior Research Award, the ASM Materials Science Research Silver Medal, and the TMS Champion H. Mathewson Medal.
Professor Josef Zweck is head of the electron microscopy group at the University of Regensburg's physics faculty (Germany). An important branch of his work specializes in imaging of intrinsic magnetic and electrostatic fields and their in-situ manipulation by specialized specimen holders. He is board member of Germany's society for electron microscopy (DGE) since 1996 and presides it in the years 2012 and 2013. He has authored well over 100 scientific publications and is referee for numerous scientific journals. He was involved in numerous organizations of the German Physical society's (DPG, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) annual meetings, as well as national and international congresses on electron microscopy, especially in 1997 when he hosted the 'Dreiländertagung' ('three countries conference', Austria, Switzerland and Germany) in Regensburg. This congress will return to Regensburg in 2013 as a multinational conference with now 10 countries involved.