Corrosion Resistance of Steels, Nickel Alloys and Zinc in Aqueous Media
Waste Water, Seawater, Drinking Water, High-Purity Water

1. Edition November 2015
418 Pages, Hardcover
160 tables
Handbook/Reference Book
Short Description
This must-have reference for engineers and scientists working with steel structures, containers, and machinery explains how to strengthen the corrosion resistance of steels against different types of aqueous media and atmospheric moisture.
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Convenient and easy to use, this handbook is taken from the online reference "Corrosion Handbook", and collates the relevant information on corrosion protection and prevention against different types of aqueous media and atmospheric moisture. It complements previous handbooks on steel corrosion by organic acids, inorganic acids, and lyes, while adding previously unpublished material on the interaction of metal surfaces with highly purified water.
A ready reference for scientists and engineers.
Unalloyed steels and cast steel
Unalloyed cast iron
High-alloy cast iron
High-silicon cast iron
Structural steels with up to 12% chromium
Ferritic chromium steels with more than 12% chromium
Ferritic-austenitic steels with more than 12% chromium
High-alloy multiphase steels
Ferritic/perlitic-martensitic steels
Ferritic-austenitic steels/duplex steels
Austenitic chromium-nickel steels
Austenitic chromium-nickel-molybdenum steels
Austenitic chromium-nickel steels with special alloying additions
Special iron-based alloys
Zinc and zinc alloys
The following corrosive media are considered:
High-purity water
Drinking water
Seawater and brackish water
Waste water (industrial)
Waste water (municipal)
Marcel Roche, born in 1945, received his diplomas in Chemical Engineering from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées of Lyon in 1967 and in Refining and Chemical Engineering from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs in 1968. He worked as a corrosion engineer for the Institut Français de Pétrole and Technip Engineering from 1970 to 1979, when he moved to the Corrosion Department of Elf Aquitaine. He spent the remainder of his career in the field of Corrosion, Inspection and Materials in this Group which became TotalFinaElf and finally Total. He retired in June 2008 and became a corrosion consultant. Since July 2011, he is President of CEFRACOR, the French Corrosion Society, and of its department Conseil Français de la Protection Cathodique. He is a member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of the European Federation of Corrosion and a member of its Board of Administrators, representing France. He has been active in several European and international standardisation working groups, including CEN TC219 WG3 for cathodic protection in marine applications for which he has been Convenor from 2009 to 2014.
Roman Bender, born in 1971, studied chemistry at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen from 1992 to 1997. After he received his diploma he joined the Karl Winnacker Institute of the DECHEMA in Frankfurt (Main) as a research associate. Since 2000 he is head of the group materials and corrosion at the DECHEMA and editor in chief of the world's largest corrosion data collection, the DECHEMA Werkstofftabelle, and the Corrosion Handbook. In 2001 he received his doctorate in natural sciences from the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen). In 2008 Dr. Bender was appointed chief executive officer of the GfKORR - The Society for Corrosion Protection. As well, in 2013 he has been appointed as the Scientific Secretary of the European Federation of Corrosion.