John Wiley & Sons HACCP System Auditing for Food Safety Cover Guide to understand the fundamentals of HACCP and to planning and conducting food safety audits HAC.. Product #: 978-1-394-25472-9 Regular price: $167.29 $167.29 In Stock

HACCP System Auditing for Food Safety

Principles and Techniques

Couto Lorenzo, Luis


1. Edition August 2024
400 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-394-25472-9
John Wiley & Sons

Further versions


Guide to understand the fundamentals of HACCP and to planning and conducting food safety audits

HACCP System Auditing for Food Safety helps readers understand the fundamentals of the HACCP concept and its importance in ensuring food safety, with guidance on how to develop auditing skills including planning, executing, and reporting on HACCP audits effectively.

To aid in reader comprehension, this book incorporates many practical examples with accompanying figures and models, along with selected case studies and global practices from Europe, Canada, USA, and New Zealand to showcase international practices and standards. ISO 19011 as a standard reference is used throughout the text.

Written by a seasoned industry professional with decades of hands-on experience as an official control agent, HACCP System Auditing for Food Safety includes information on:

* Elements of the HACCP methodology, including related concepts, adapted to the specificities of the food operator
* Phases of HACCP study and application of the seven principles, respecting their internal logic and how they are interrelated
* HACCP as a management system, starting from the commitment of the management or the company's board of directors, with tasks and responsibilities distributed among staff
* Management system auditing techniques to verify performance, whether for internal audits, supplier audits, or certification purposes

Providing the rational and scientific basis necessary to anticipate problems and to learn from the experiences and situations that arise in the food industry, HACCP System Auditing for Food Safety is an essential reference for various industry professionals, including technicians, quality managers, consultants, auditors, and official control agents.

Luis Couto Lorenzo is the Head of Veterinary Services of Public Health in the Lalín area of the Xunta de Galicia. He has spent more than 30 years contributing to the field of food hygiene and safety as an official control agent.

L. Couto Lorenzo, Xunta de Galicia, Spain