John Wiley & Sons Microbial Physiology Cover MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY UNITY AND DIVERSITY Explore the fascinating world of microbes in Microbial Phy.. Product #: 978-1-68367-367-5 Regular price: $107.48 $107.48 In Stock

Microbial Physiology

Unity and Diversity

Stevens, Ann M. / Ditty, Jayna L. / Parales, Rebecca E. / Merkel, Susan M.



1. Edition May 2024
496 Pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 978-1-68367-367-5
John Wiley & Sons

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Explore the fascinating world of microbes in Microbial Physiology: Unity and Diversity. This comprehensive, advanced undergraduate-level textbook takes readers on a captivating journey through the intricate and often underappreciated world of microbial physiology, emphasizing both the common features that unify microbes and the diversity that makes them unique.

In Part I: Unity, the book lays a strong foundation in the basics of microbial physiology. Delve into the three domains of life, get an intimate look at the metabolic pathways that fuel the microbial world, and take a deep dive into the cellular components that constitute a microbe. Further, explore the principles of cellular growth, bioenergetics, and the mechanics of respiration and fermentation. The Unity section concludes with a comprehensive discussion of regulation at posttranslational and gene levels, paving the way for a rich understanding of microbial function.

Part II: Diversity, takes the reader into the broad and versatile world of microbial metabolism, exploring the range of energy sources and metabolic pathways microbes employ. This section leads readers through topics such as autotrophy, phototrophy, chemotrophy, and microbial contributions to the carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen cycles. The complexity of microbial cell envelope structures, transport processes, and protein transport are explored, along with bacterial motility, chemotaxis, and the phenomenon of quorum sensing. The section concludes with an exploration of stress responses and the diverse lifestyles that bacteria can adopt.

Microbial Physiology: Unity and Diversity will engage readers with its accessible yet thorough treatment of this critical field of microbiology. Each chapter contains detailed illustrations that concisely explain complex topics and concludes with robust end-of-chapter questions that not only test understanding but also provide an opportunity for readers to dig deeper into the content. This book is a must-have for students studying microbiology, as well as researchers and professionals keen to brush up their knowledge or explore new facets of microbial physiology.

Preface xv

About the Authors xvii

About the Companion Website xviii

Part I: Unity 3

1 Microbial Phylogeny--The Three Domains of Life 5

Introduction 6

The Three Branches of Life: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya 6

The 16S/18S rRNA Gene as a Basis for Phylogenetic Comparisons 7

The Modern Molecular Phylogenetic Tree of Life 12

Phylogenetics and Earth History 14

2 Metabolic Unity--Generation of Biosynthetic Precursors 21

Making Connections 22

The Purpose of Central Metabolism 22

The 12 Essential Precursors 23

The Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) Pathway/Glycolysis 25

Structure and Energy Exchange of Key Coenzymes 28

Controlling the Direction of Carbon Flow during Glycolysis 29

The Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP) 31

The Entner-Doudoroff (ED) Pathway 33

The Transition Reaction: Carbon Flow into the Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) Cycle 36

The Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) Cycle 37

Anaplerotic Reactions 37

The Branched or Incomplete Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) Pathway 41

The Glyoxylate Cycle 41

Reversing Carbon Flow from the Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) Cycle to the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) Pathway 43

3 Cellular Components--What's In a Cell 51

Making Connections 52

Estimating Molecular Concentrations 52

Physiologically Relevant Protein Concentrations 54

Measuring Enzyme Activity: Basic Principles of Enzyme Assays 55

Michaelis-Menten Kinetics 58

Studying the Proteome 59

The Physiological Role and Composition of Cellular RNA 61

The Physiological Role and Composition of Cellular DNA 63

Studying the Genome and the Transcriptome 64

4 Cellular Growth 73

Making Connections 74

Methods to Monitor Bacterial Growth 74

The Phases of Bacterial Growth in Batch Culture 78

Requirements for Microbial Growth 80

Diauxic Growth 80

Exponential Growth Kinetics 81

Chemostats 83

Characteristics of Stationary-Phase Cells 84

Proteins Important for Cell Shape and Cell Division 85

Chromosome Segregation 86

5 Bioenergetics and the Proton Motive Force 95

Making Connections 96

Cellular Mechanisms for ATP Synthesis 96

Chemiosmotic Theory 98

ATP Synthase 99

The Proton Motive Force (PMF) 99

Quantifying the Proton Motive Force 99

Cellular Proton Levels 100

Environmental Impacts on the Proton Motive Force (PMF) 100

Experimentally Measuring the Proton Motive Force (PMF) 101

6 Respiration and Fermentation 107

Making Connections 108

The Basic Components of an Electron Transport Chain (ETC) 108

Electrode/Reduction Potential (E0') 109

Brief Review of the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) in Mitochondria 110

Q Cycle of Mitochondria 113

Bacterial Electron Transport Chains (ETCs) 113

Q Loop of Bacteria 115

Electron Donors and Acceptors in Bacteria 115

Fermentation 117

7 Regulation--Posttranslational Control 127

Making Connections 128

Importance of Regulatory Processes 128

Allosteric Regulation of Enzymes 129

Allosteric Regulation of Branched Pathways 131

Covalent Modifications 134

Posttranslational Regulation in the Sugar Phosphotransferase System (PTS) 138

8 Gene Regulation--Transcription Initiation and Posttranscriptional Control 147

Making Connections 148

Transcription Terminology 148

Bacterial Transcription Initiation and Elongation 149

Bacterial Transcription Termination 151

Regulatory cis- and trans-Acting Elements Impacting Transcription 153

Examples of Different Promoter Structures 154

Transcriptional Regulation of the lac Operon 156

Activation and Repression by the Global Regulator Cra 158

Attenuation 158

Posttranscriptional Regulation 161

Methods Used to Study Gene Regulation 163

Methods to Demonstrate Protein-DNA Interactions 164

Interlude: From Unity to Diversity 177

Metabolic Diversity 178

Global Nutrient Cycles 179

Structural and Regulatory Diversity of Microbes 180

Part II: Diversity 183

9 Autotrophy 185

Making Connections 186

Autotrophy 186

Calvin Cycle 187

Reductive Tricarboxylic Acid (rTCA) Cycle 191

Reductive Acetyl-CoA Pathway 193

3-Hydroxypropionate (3HP) Bi-cycle 195

3-Hydroxypropionate-4-Hydroxybutyrate (3HP-4HB) and Dicarboxylate-4-Hydroxybutyrate (DC-4HB) Cycles 195

Why So Many CO2 Fixation Pathways? 197

10 Phototrophy 207

Making Connections 208

Phototrophy 208

Chlorophyll-Based Phototrophy 209

Cellular Structures Needed for Phototrophy: Light-Harvesting Complexes, Reaction Centers, and Unique Membrane Organizations 211

Oxygenic Photoautotrophy in the Cyanobacteria 215

Anaerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophy in the Phototrophic Purple Sulfur and Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria 218

Anaerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophy in the Chlorobi and Chloroflexi (Green Sulfur and Green Nonsulfur Bacteria, Respectively) 221

Anaerobic Anoxygenic Photoheterotrophy in the Firmicutes 224

Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophy 224

Retinal-Based Phototrophy 225

11 Chemotrophy in the Carbon and Sulfur Cycles 233

Making Connections 234

The Carbon Cycle 234

The Chemoorganotrophic Degradation of Polymers 236

The Chemoorganotrophic Degradation of Aromatic Acids 236

Chemoorganotrophy in Escherichia coli 241

Chemolithoautotrophy 246

Chemolithoautotrophy in Methanogens 248

Methylotrophy Enables Cycling of One-Carbon (C1) Compounds 251

One-Carbon (C1) Chemolithotrophy in Acetogens 253

The Sulfur Cycle 256

Chemoheterotrophy and Chemolithoautotrophy in the Sulfur Cycle: Sulfate Reducers 256

Chemolithoautotrophy in the Sulfur Cycle: Sulfur Oxidizers 259

The Anaerobic Food Web and Syntrophy 261

12 Microbial Contributions to the Nitrogen Cycle 275

Making Connections 276

Overview of the Nitrogen Cycle 276

Nitrogen Fixation 277

Biochemistry of Nitrogen Fixation 278

Regulation of Nitrogen Fixation 280

Symbiotic Plant-Microbe Interactions during Nitrogen Fixation 282

Assimilatory Nitrate Reduction 284

Ammonia Assimilation into Cellular Biomass 285

Nitrification: Ammonia Oxidation, Nitrite Oxidation, and Comammox 287

Anammox: Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidation 290

Denitrification 293

13 Structure and Function of the Cell Envelope 303

Making Connections 304

Fundamental Structure of the Cytoplasmic Membrane 304

Variation in Cytoplasmic Membranes 306

Transport across Cytoplasmic Membranes 306

Cell Wall Structures 311

Gram-Negative Outer Membrane 315

Periplasm 320

Additional Extracellular Layers 321

14 Transport and Localization of Proteins and Cell Envelope Macromolecules 333

Making Connections 334

Introduction to Cytoplasmic Membrane Protein Transport Systems 334

Secretory (Sec)-Dependent Protein Transport System 334

The Secretory (Sec)-Dependent Protein Transport Process 337

Signal Recognition Particle (SRP)-Dependent Protein Transport Process 338

Twin-Arginine Translocation (Tat) Protein Transport Process 339

Integration of Cytoplasmic Membrane Proteins 340

Gram-Negative Bacterial Outer Membrane Protein Secretion Systems 341

Secretory (Sec)- and Twin-Arginine Translocation (Tat)-Dependent Protein Secretion Systems 341

Secretory (Sec)-Independent and Mixed-Mechanism Protein Secretion Systems 343

Importance of Disulfide Bonds 347

Transport and Localization of Other Cell Envelope Components 348

15 Microbial Motility and Chemotaxis 363

Making Connections 364

Motility in Microorganisms 364

Bacterial Flagella and Swimming Motility 364

Regulation of Flagellar Synthesis in Escherichia coli 367

Mechanism of Swimming Motility 369

Archaeal Flagella 370

Bacterial Surface Motility 371

Chemotaxis 372

Conservation and Variation in Chemotaxis Systems among Bacteria and Archaea 380

Methods to Study Bacterial Motility and Chemotaxis 381

16 Quorum Sensing 389

Making Connections 390

Fundamentals of Quorum Sensing 390

Quorum Sensing and Bioluminescence in the Vibrio fischeri-Squid Symbiosis 391

Basic Model of Quorum Sensing in Gram-Negative Proteobacteria 395

Basic Model of Quorum Sensing in Gram-Positive Bacteria 398

Interspecies Communication: the LuxS System 400

Regulatory Cascade Controlling Quorum Sensing in Vibrio cholerae 400

Quorum Quenching 402

17 Stress Responses 415

Making Connections 416

Oxidative Stress 416

Heat Shock Response 419

Sporulation 420

18 Lifestyles Involving Bacterial Differentiation 441

Making Connections 442

A Simple Model for Bacterial Cellular Differentiation: Caulobacter crescentus 443

Differentiation in Filamentous Cyanobacterial Species 444

Life Cycle of Filamentous Spore-Forming Streptomyces: An Example of Bacterial Multicellularity 447

Life Cycle of Myxobacteria: Predatory Spore-Forming Social Bacteria 449

Biofilms: The Typical State of Microorganisms in the Environment 452

Index 467
Ann M. Stevens, Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences Virginia Tech.

Jayna L. Ditty, Professor and Associate Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, University of St. Thomas.

Rebecca E. Parales, Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, College of Biological Sciences, University of California, Davis.

Susan M. Merkel, Associate Director of the CALS Office of Academic Programs, Cornell University.

A. M. Stevens, Virginia Tech, VA; J. L. Ditty, University of St. Thomas; R. E. Parales, University of California, Davis; S. M. Merkel, Cornell University