Introduction to Elementary Particles

2. Edition August 2008
XVI, 472 Pages, Softcover
106 Pictures
12 tables
Short Description
This undergraduate classic, long since recommended by many lecturers, combines a lively style with the rigor needed for a solid understanding of the theories, models and calculation techniques. New to this edition is a solution manual to the numerous end-of-chapter problems.
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In the second, revised edition of a well-established textbook, the author strikes a balance between quantitative rigor and intuitive understanding, using a lively, informal style. The first chapter provides a detailed historical introduction to the subject, while subsequent chapters offer a quantitative presentation of the Standard Model. A simplified introduction to the Feynman rules, based on a "toy" model, helps readers learn the calculational techniques without the complications of spin. It is followed by accessible treatments of quantum electrodynamics, the strong and weak interactions, and gauge theories. New chapters address neutrino oscillations and prospects for physics beyond the Standard Model. The book contains a number of worked examples and many end-of-chapter problems. A complete solution manual is available for instructors.
2 Elementary Particle Dynamics
3 Relativistic Kinematics
4 Symmetries
5 Bound States
6 The Feynman Calculus
7 Quantum Electrodynamics
8 Electrodynamics and Chromodynamics of Quarks
9 Weak Interactions
10 Gauge Theories
11 Neutrino Oscillations
12 Afterword: What´s Next?
A The Dirac Delta Function
B Decay Rates and Cross Sections
C Pauli and Dirac Matrices
D Feynman Rules (Tree Level)