Out-of-Equilibrium (Supra)molecular Systems and Materials
1. Edition April 2021
448 Pages, Hardcover
260 Pictures (60 Colored Figures)
Handbook/Reference Book
Short Description
This truly needed reference presents comprehensively every aspect about this emerging topic: Chapters about the design of dissipative self-assemblies, out-of-equilibrium chemical systems and oscillators and many more topics make this book an indispensable source.
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Learning from embryo development to engineer self-organizing materials
From clocks to synchrony: the design of bioinspired self-regulation in chemical systems
De novo design of chemical reaction networks and oscillators and their relation to emergent properties
Kinetically controlled supramolecular polymerization
Chemically fueled, transient supramolecular polymers
Design of chemical fuel driven self-assembly processes
Dynamic combinatorial chemistry out-of-equilibrium
Controlling self-assembly of nanoparticles using light
Photoswitchable components to drive molecular systems away from global thermodynamic minimum by light.
Out-of-equilibrium threaded and interlocked molecular structures
Light-driven rotary molecular motors for out-of-equilibrium systems
Design of active nanosystems incorporating biomolecular motors
Andreas Walther is a Professor at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Mainz (Germany). His research interests concentrate on developing and understanding hierarchical self-assembly concepts inside and outside equilibrium, and on using them to create active, adaptive and autonomous bioinspired material systems. He graduated from Bayreuth University in Germany in 2008 with a PhD focusing on the self- assembly behavior and applications of Janus particles and other soft, complex colloids. After a post-doctoral stay with a focus on biomimetic hybrid materials at Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland), he held positions at the Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials in Aachen and the University of Freiburg, where he reoriented his research towards life-inspired materials systems. In 2020 he has been appointed to the present position supported by the Gutenberg Research College.